Saturday, May 15, 2010

Denmark is a hockey nation!

A few Danes have made it to the NHL, but it is not before now that the world has really gotten a grasp of the potential we have here in DK.

Currently the World championships are taking place in Germany, and Denmark is doing very well. We have beaten Finland 4-1, USA 2-1, and Slovakia 6-0.

On IIHF there is a power ranking which is made as more of a joke, and it is quite funny. Check it out here. It is updated each day, so make sure to look at the archive at the bottom of the page.

Flag Football - the season is on.

Our third game-day was today on a very very rainy Saturday. Normally we have two games per game-day, but one team did not show up and therefore forfeited their games.

We won the game and is now 3-2. I think it is the worst start to the season that my new team has ever had. We are getting up to full speed, but we still have to work hard and stay focussed, to make to the play-off.

One of the best guys on offense, Åke, played his last game today. It is really unfortunately since he has always been very productive and very fast.

Anyway - here are a few photos from the second game day:

What the.... rain and minus degrees in May!!

We are half way through May, and it is officially summer in two weeks. However, someone controlling the weather must have flipped their board and is giving us fall weather on the northern hemisphere, which should have been down under!

It has been raining the past week and been so cold that I am back at wearing gloves when biking.

I really hope that the weather will soon turn around, so that we can have a wonderful summer, because there is nothing better then a great summer in Copenhagen.
