Thursday, March 04, 2010

Home again in Copenhagen, Denmark

My travel back to Denmark went easy and I arrived safely in Copenhagen yesterday.

I took a small nap and then some of the family came by to say welcome home. It was nice to see them again, and I am looking forward to meeting the rest soon.

I am back on my old Danish number and is looking forward to meeting some of my friends on Saturday. It will take some time to catch up with everyone, but wow, do I look forward to it.

I will soon move back downtown Copenhagen, but will just need a few days to get settled.

A big thanks to all of you who I have met during the past 7 months in Canada and America, you have all made my traveling and adventures unforgettable.

I hope to see you again, and if any of you ever swing by Copenhagen, let me know.


Another article about the Alpine volunteers...

Here is a small article from the Vancouver Sun about the work done by the volunteers at the Alpine events, which is the crew I was part of.

Enjoy the reading.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

I am coming home

I am currently in Seattle, but in about 7 hours I will be on my flight back home to Copenhagen. I can't wait. I am landing at CPH on March 3rd at 12 noon.

I will be back with more updates about how it was to be in Vancouver when Canada one the gold medal hockey game.

Take care and see you all in Copenhagen.

Monday, March 01, 2010