Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Skiing in Tignes

I was in Tignes last week with Kritte, Michael, Casper, and Christian. We had a great time and Casper took some great pictures. We had a great time together and we are already talking about all of them coming to Vancouver to visit me and go skiing.

I GOT IT!! I am going to UBC - Vancouver

As I earlier posted on the blog I had University of British Colombia as my number one priority - and I got it!!! BRING IT ON CANADA - let’s have a great time!

I can't wait, it is going to be such a cool experience and I will do everything to make it just as good as my wonderful time in Utah.

I will be studying during the fall semester from September to December. I hope to be able to stay for January and February, and hopefully work as a volunteer during the winter Olympic Games of 2010.

I still need to do a lot of paper work and apply for grants to make the exchange experience happen, but with hard work and determination I should be able to succeed.

Stay ready Canada - the crazy Dane is coming.