Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

It is time to end the year of 2008. What a great year, so many nice memories including sky diving, end of undergraduate program, skiing in Utah, begining of graduate program, and many other things. I am still studying for my exams in January, but when done with them I will write about the year 2008, and what I expect for the year of 2009.

Take care all of you and Happy New Year.

Love Marc

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas time

There are still a few things that I want to post on my blog, but for now I will write about the present time being celebrating Christmas with my family. One might think that my family is my two roommates Lasse and Kritte, but Christmas is for my parents and I.
I am looking forward to spending a few days with them, and getting ready to study hard for the exams.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and I know that people are following the blog from Australia, Korea, Europe, and America. Take care of each other and enjoy the holidays.

Best regards Marc

Working with Novozymes for my exam projects

In the two courses, Innovation & Knowledge and Product Management & Product Development, my group and I had to write our projects in collaboration with an innovative company. We were lucky to get a contract with Novozymes (thanks Svend), and were granted permission to write about their CellPrime products. It was extremely interesting to write about, out could easily see myself seeking for work at Novozymes. (

The two projects were handed in on the 18th of December, and I will have to defend them at two oral exams on the 6th and 14th of January

Website for CBS Case Competition

Our new website for CBS's (Copenhagen Business School) case competition is now up an running. CHeck it out at
Here is a direct link to me

It will all take place in week 9 of 2008.

This is the participating schools:
* Tsinghua University (China)
* Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo (Brazil)
* National University of Singapore Business school (Singapore)
* Thammasat University (Thailand)
* Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)
* University of Southern California (USA)
* University of California, Berkeley (USA)
* University of Florida (USA)
* McGill University (Canada)
* University of Auckland (New Zealand)
* University of Navarra (Spain)
* The University of Manchester (England)

Going abroad to Canada

Well noting is sure, but I have applied to go on exchange in the fall of 2009. Since I was unable to apply for exchange in the US, I went for Canada. I am really excited about going to Canada, but will not know until January where I will end up. Here are my priorities:
1. University of British Colombia, Vancouver
2. McGill Montreal
3. York, Toronto
4. Ryerson, Toronto

Since there are only one and two spots at Vancouver and McGill, I think I will end up at York.

Anyway - we will see in January.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Flag football: MVP and National League

The seasons has now been over for a while. We won our last game and secured the third place in the second best division. A third place that later resulted in an advancement to the national league due to another team dropping out. This means that we will next year be playing in the best league in Denmark - FNL (Flag National League) I am so exited about it, but we have to work very hard to be able to win a game or two, to stay in the best division.

A week ago (Yes this is actualy new news) I was voted MVP for the season by the other players.

I hope that my parents will be able to attend more games next year, and that my Dad will be able to take some fantastic photos.

Here is one of me on defence:

Trip to Oslo (september)

I was persuaded to go on a small cruise with a group of the exchange students that is studying at CBS and participating in the DIS program. The cruise was only from Friday to Sunday, and most of the time was on the boat. Check out some of the photos below.Pete in the hut top.
The boys at the back of the ship enjoying the sun set.

CBS Case competition (September)

As I have written before, here on the blog, I am head of school contact for Copenhagen Business School’s Case Competition 2009. It takes place in week nine in February and is one of the biggest case competitions in the world. What makes it very special is that it is organized only by students, who are doing it on a voluntary basis. No money and no faculty advisors; only a group of young bright students.

To kick off the planning of the CC, we went on a kick-off weekend to get to know each other and work on the theme and outline of week nine. As typical Danes, we had a lot of social activities at night, which included a mini version of the Olympic Games, which is the reason for my rather different clothing style.Since the mini OG did’t provide one-on-one games, and because the judges were being bribed; Jacob and I played our own game of Ping Pong. The game lasted for hours and tuned in to a historical match. It was the kind of match, which could have made anyone a fan of Ping Pong if they had watched it. The game had everything, with duels with unimaginable shoots being made, big leads being thrown away, comebacks, nerves, and at the end only one winner despite it took two plays to make this wonderful game. The crowd loved the game, and the commentators compared the game to the rivalry between Federera and Nadal!!
Jacob and I after the epic game!