Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Back in Salt Lake

I am now staying at Sandra and Randy Okland, the family which I got to know through the international office at The U when I attended it in the fall of 2007.

They have a beautiful house and I will try to upload some pictures of that and the neighborhood later.

I tried to go shopping Monday, but Salt Lake is not the place for that. All the shops are represented here, but only with a very small assortment. I will have to look a few more places, or maybe I can get to one of the big outlets outside New York when I have a 10 hour stop there on Monday.

Manuel and I are still planning our trip to Moab. We are trying to get everything planed, so that we will able to do both mountain biking, water rafting, and sky diving.

Take care everyone – and if you are in Salt Lake give me a call at 801 512 4325.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back in SLC - Going to the Cabin

I left Chris and Oliver in Seattle, and I am now in Salt Lake City. After arriving in Salt Lake I got my rental car and drove up to the Cabin. The cabin is up in Coalville, about 15 miles further up then Park City. It belongs to the Zaelit family, and it sounds and looks like Tom has been spending hundred of hours on it. When driving up it was a bit cloudy, but it was beautiful with the many rainbows, which was every where I looked. I came to Coalville, which is a small western town up in the mountains. Everyone knows each other and when asking for directions I just ask for where Tom lives.

Here is the city sign on Main Street. This is the cabin, and the fields behind it will the next couple of weeks be used for a demolishen derby and a rodeo show. This is the trail, which Tom, Mitch, and I went on with the ATVs. They are so much fun to drive; too bad Denmark doesn’t have the terrain for it. When driving down the mountain I was listening to the satellite radio and they played the best music, here it is Jason Mraz, but they also played “I kissed a Girl” by Katy Perry. Great new music.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I am in Seattle at a conference!

Tuesday afternoon, Chris, Oliver, and I got on the plane to Seattle – we were going to the casual connect conference in Seattle. The flight was perfect; we got bump to business class, sweet.

It is 8:10am here now and it is the start of the second day of the conference. We are meeting a lot of interesting companies and attending some cool lectures.

We don’t have much spare time, so it will be very little I will have time to blog until Sunday. But next week when I am back in Salt Lake I will blog a lot and write about the conference.

We have made a blog for Nonoba where I am also writing, and during the next three days I will be posting on that

I will be back soon - ciao

Sunday, July 13, 2008

More international duties

I have signed up to be an exchange buddy this fall. It will be fun to meet some of the exchange students that are attending CBS. The bad thing is the timing, since the introduction week for the exchange students is the same for my master program, but I am sure it will work out fine.

I’m in charge of School Contact 2009

A couple of weeks ago I was assigned to be in charge of School Contact for CBS’s Case Competition 2009. We are three students taking care of the school contact, 11 international schools from all over the world have been invited, including Stern in NYC and Berkeley in SF.
Below is a small trailer for the case competition.

Summer in CPH

It has so far been a wonderful summer here in Copenhagen. I think it is a couple of years ago since we had so much good weather, and it is a perfect gift for my mother, who has just begun her life long vacation.

I am still working for Nonoba, and it is going well, we will soon have 100,000 user sign ups, and we are moving in the right direction. I am actually going to San Francisco on a business trip together with Chris in July. I will combine it with some vacation in Salt Lake City to visit the Okland and Zaelit families, and to join Manuel in Moab for some extreme sport. This is my travelling plans, if they intersect with some of yours, let me know and we might be able to meet.

• Wednesday the 23rd of July Copenhagen to Washington DC
• Friday the 25th of July Washington DC to San Francisco
• Wednesday the 30th of July San Francisco to Salt Lake City
• Sunday the 3rd of August Salt Lake City to Washington DC
• Monday the 4th of July Washington DC to Copenhagen

Gotta go, have to coach the flag football team in an hour.