Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bachelor program will be done in 35 hours!

It is Saturday night, and on Monday I will defend my Bachelor thesis, which is the last step in finishing my Bachelor (Undergraduate) program at Copenhagen Business School (CBS). I want to do well, but I am not sure what to expect. I have made a presentation, which I hope will show how dedicated my partner and I have been to the project, and how important our project is for Tivoli.

Please wish me luck on Monday morning.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) by night

After having a great dinner together with Kim and Christian where we talked about what master Christian and I should choose, I drove by the school on my way home. I think it is such and amazing campus we have, despite the fact there is lacking sports facilities to create some more social atmosphere.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Playing the X-box

Mikkel and Mads visit us the other night and we had a small tournament in FIFA soccer on Lasse’s X-box. It was a lot of fun, but we did not have time to finish the game, and the winner will be found another day. (It will most likely be Kritte).
(from left to right: Mads, Mikkel, Lasse, Kritte, and I)

Too expensive to buy nice cars in Denmark

So, someone must have won in the lottery or something to buy these two nice cars. The white BMW is a special model, with a huge engine, sleek rims and big brakes. They were both parked in my street – nice.

Bachelor project handed in

Friday the 16th Christel and I handed in our bachelor thesis. 115 pages including everything! I have a good feeling about the project, and no matter how it goes to the oral defence on the 2nd of June, I have learned a lot from writing the project.
I have to prepare for the oral defence, but this week I am focusing on catching up with work and all the other things that I have not have had time for lately.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Man U. forever

Manchester United has just won the biggest trophy in soccer – Champions League. It all ended in penalty shootout, but before that they had played an electrifying game against Chelsea. Both teams had equal amount of chances to win the game during the first 90 minutes, but it went all the way to penalty shootout.


Transformers costumes!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Waking up to the sun, knowing that I will not see it is not nice.

It is 0815AM and I am just about to eat my cornflakes and watch an episode of Scrubs that I just downloaded from iTunes. The sun is shinning bright and when opening my window I can feel its warmth, however, my bachelor thesis is all that matters right now, so no time for walking in the sun. You might think, “so what, the sun will be there after the 16th of May as well”, but if you think that, than I know you are not Danish, because based on previous years there is no guaranty; this might be the only summer weather we get! Well, not much I can do about it, so I will just work with what I got, and that is the very important task of writing my bachelor thesis with Christel.

It is due on the 16th of May and we look to be on schedule. There is still a ton of work to be done on it, but with proper planning we should be fine.

The past weekend was the beginning of the new flag football season. Everyone thought that we were too old and not on a competitive level. Hmmm, the first game we won 63-6, I had three TD and an interception - I guess we proved them wrong. Unfortunately I got injured again, my left thump looks like it has had half a gallon of water pumped into it, and is starting to turn blue. It limited my ability to help the team in the second game, but I did get one TD, but it is irrelevant when we lost the game. The other team played well, but was lucky as hell. Four of their TD was caught after we had tipped them, it was like every situation that could go both ways, went theirs, and on top of that the referees made several doubtful calls and two obvious wrong ones, and all of them was against us. We lost with 2 or 3 TDs, the other team played better, but we just did not have a change with out anything going our way.

That was just a little update on what I am doing in sunny Copenhagen, now I better get back to my thesis, and eating my cornflakes before they all looses their crispy taste.
