Sunday, June 24, 2007

End of first half of the season

We played the last game of the spring season today. We won the game, but it was not pretty. We played against one of the weakest teams in the league, but they made 12 points on us - not acceptable. I did, however, throw for an extra-point and a first down.

My parents were there for the first time to see me play. Nice that it was a victory, but we have played better. My dad took some really nice photos, those are below.

I will soon be back with more info about what goes around.

ohh - one big thing happen yesterday - Lasse came home from San Diego - that is nice.

Take care

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Exams are over - SUMMER VACATION!!

The last exam was today, and it went very well. Everyone in the group got a 10 (I think that is a B+, or something in US) which is really nice. The group performed perfect - nice boys!

A little bit of relaxing for today and than it is all about doing all the things that I have not have had time for during the past months!

I hope you all are fine and that the sun will scare away all the rain.

Take care


Monday, June 11, 2007

Sun, W and MVP

The sun is burning Denmark and a lot of people are looking like red lobsters!!

Game day today - we won both games and with 4 TD, 2 int, 2 sacks I was voted MVP of the day. Once again it was a pleasure to play with the team. Everyone steped up when needed, and we played to win and not to avoid loosing.

Exams are still on - Thursday is the first one.

Take care.


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

The first of many (I hope)

Today I received a grant, from Consul Axel Nielsen’s Grant – THANK YOU. It is the first grant that I have received and hopefully it is only the beginning. I still need four or five grants at this size to make it. I will send them a letter when exams are over.

Exams – today we are going to do the recording for our small video that we will present at our oral defense. The movie is only supposed to be 2-4 minutes, but it can take hours to do the recording and editing.

The weather is getting warmer and we might get above 25 C today.

That’s all – take care.
