Monday, May 28, 2007

We are 7-1

Two more wins yesterday and we are now 7-1!

Once again everyone played to their maximum. Jacob made 5 TD and moved further ahead in the TD stats, however, I made 4 Int. and moved ahead and is now leading with a total of 7 int. for the season.

I am now in Sweden where I am writing an exam project with my group.

Take care



Sunday, May 27, 2007

Break from Exams with Flag Football

We handed in the first project Thursday this week and the next one, the big one, has to be handed in on Friday next week!! Tough program, but I am in a super group with tree other guys and we are goanna kick a..!!

I am using the weekend to get a break from the exams and today is game day #4 in the flag football league. We are 5-1 right now and after today we will be 7-1. My stats are getting better, but what is most important is the team. Everybody is playing to their maximum, it is a true pleasure to play with my team mates and I love winning with them. Winning is most important for us, but as on any team there is a little competition about being the stat leader, and since I will be missing the two last game days in the season because I will be in Utah; I need to but up some good numbers while I can.

Tackles: #2 with 21
Int: #T-1 with 3
Sacks: #2 with 2
Caught passes: #1 with 34
TD: #2 with 8
Extra points: #1 with 6

Kick of is in 1 hour - I better get ready.

That’s all


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Benchmark Plaza it is!!

Last night at 3 AM Danish time I had clicked the confirmation button to a room at Benchmark Plaza. Now, I can only hope that nothing will changes and that my future home will be there, and my roommates will be perfect.

I got a tip on a scholarship that I should apply for, which is really nice.

The next month will be used on exams; and I will therefore not be writing a lot here on the blog.

Take care.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Where will my home be??

Tonight at 4 PM Salt Lake time, I will have to choose where I want to stay during the exchange program. I want to stay at Benchmark Plaza, but are there enough rooms? Am I in time for getting one of the good rooms? It is going to be exiting tonight!


New skis from Salomon!!

Last week I went to pick up my new skis. A lot of money, but they are the skis that will be used on the world cup, well, they are the ones that are the foundation and are then customized to the professional skiers. Click on the link to see them.
Slalom ski:

Long time – few changes!

Long time has past by since last time I wrote, but not much has changed. I am still working on the same project at work. I applied for another three scholarships yesterday, and exams are starting again next week.

However, the exams I was working on last I wrote are over, and that went very well – I got an A and A-.

I will be back soon with info on housing!!
